1. Inspect your roof and gutters
Check for any damaged or missing tiles or slates, and make sure that your gutters are clean and free of debris. Clogged gutters can cause water to back up and damage your roof or walls.
2. Seal gaps and cracks
Look for any gaps or cracks in your windows, doors, and around your foundation. These can let in cold air and moisture, which can cause damage to your home. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal these gaps and prevent heat loss.
3. Insulate your home
Check your attic, walls, and suspended floors for adequate insulation. Adding more insulation can help keep your home warm and reduce your heating costs.
4. Winter-proof outdoor taps
To prevent your outdoor taps from freezing and bursting, drain them and shut off the water supply. If you have an in-ground irrigation system, it’s a good idea to have it professionally winter-proofed.
5. Check your heating system
Have a professional inspect and service your boiler or other heating system to ensure it’s running efficiently and safely.
6. Protect your pipes
Insulate your pipes to prevent them from freezing and bursting. If you have pipes that are exposed to freezing temperatures, such as those in your attic, consider installing heat tape to keep them warm.
7. Clean your chimney
If you have a fireplace, it’s important to have your chimney cleaned and inspected by a professional to prevent the build-up of creosote, which can be a fire hazard.
8. Prep your lawn
Prep your lawn and garden: Winter-proof your lawn by raking leaves, removing debris, and mowing the grass one last time. If you have any tender plants, cover them with mulch or bring them indoors to protect them from the cold