Talk Smoke Detectors

Teach children about smoke detectors: Why they are installed, how they work, and the sound that they make. Children need to be able to associate the sound with a fire.

Plan Escape Routes

With your children, determine two ways out of every room in your home, if at all possible. Usually, this means a door and a window. Some rooms don't have windows. These rooms can create a particular fire entrapment issue. Evaluate your home and establish a plan in those instances. Also, create a designated meeting space outside of your home (say, the end of your path or driveway). Make sure your children know to go there and wait for you.

Practise Opening Windows

Make sure that windows, especially in bedrooms, are not stuck closed, that screens can be removed quickly, and that security bars can be opened. Older Children should learn how to complete these tasks on their own in the event of an emergency.

Check for Heat

Instruct Children how to check doors to see if they are hot, and if so, how to find another way out. Fire safety for children includes having them find a towel to use for handling, touching or grabbing items to avoid burns and to also use the towel or cover to protect their faces and cover their mouths.

Use Your Hands, Not Your Eyes

Children should practise feeling their way out of the home in the dark or with their eyes closed. Turn this into a game by blindfolding your child and asking them to feel their way to a designated area.

Stop, Drop and Roll

Teach children what to do in the event that their clothes catch fire. Make sure they understand “stop, drop, and roll.” Act it out for them and have them practise with you. Many fire-related injuries can be avoided or minimised if a child heeds this advice instead of running.

Out Means Stay Out

Teach children that once they are out of a burning house or building, they must go to the designated meeting place and never, ever venture back in. If a family member or a pet is missing, they should inform a firefighter or adult.


Practise your escape plan with your children at least twice a year.