
  • > Navigate to "Services" in the app footer menu

  • >Ask an Expert > Rates

Here you will be able to set your rates for  Normal working hours and an Out of  hours rate if you would like to offer this service (You can specify when your out  of hours rates kick in later).

  • select the pencil icon to edit/create a rate.

Set your rate per 15 minute call. You can also customise the duration of the call here. Click the information icon next to "Our Fees" to see how our fees are  calculated and adjust your rate to take these into account if needed.

  • >Click Save


  • Navigate to "Services" in the app footer menu
  • >Ask an Expert > Availablity > Set availability now
  • >Set your availability for both your normal and out of hours services.
  • >Don't forget to save your changes.