Fire and home insurance

Understanding Home Fire Insurance

Home fire insurance is a vital aspect of your home insurance policy, offering protection against fire and smoke-related damages. Implementing fire prevention measures not only ensures the safety of your home but can also potentially reduce insurance premiums. It's essential to keep your insurance documents and emergency contact numbers readily accessible to expedite action in case of a fire.

Does Home Insurance Cover Fire Damage?

Absolutely. Home insurance is designed to shield your property from unforeseen events, including fire incidents. Buildings insurance typically covers the costs associated with repairing or replacing damaged structural elements, while contents insurance extends coverage to protect your belongings from fire damage.

What Does Home Insurance Typically Cover in a Fire?

Home insurance policies vary, but in general, they cover:

Structural Damage: This includes repairs to the core structure of your home, such as walls, roofs, and fixtures like kitchen units, damaged by fire.

Content Loss or Damage: Contents insurance covers the replacement or repair costs of belongings damaged or lost due to fire incidents.

External Buildings: Coverage may extend to detached structures like garages, though additional coverage might be required.

Temporary Accommodation: If your home becomes uninhabitable due to fire damage, your policy may cover the costs of temporary accommodation.

Pet Boarding: Some policies include provisions for pet boarding expenses necessitated by fire damage.

Types of Fire and Fire Damage Covered

While coverage specifics vary by provider, typical inclusions encompass accidental fires, damages due to unexpected electrical faults, explosions, lightning strikes, smoke damage, and damages caused by emergency services during fire suppression efforts.

Considerations Regarding Fire Insurance

While home insurance isn't legally mandated, contemplating the potential financial ramifications of fire-related damages underscores its importance. Utilizing tools like a contents calculator aids in estimating replacement costs. Homeowners should assess both property and content values to ensure adequate coverage.

Statistics reveal alarming fire incident rates, emphasizing the significance of comprehensive home insurance. Two fires a day in UK homes are attributed to candles, while heaters instigate three daily fires, according to Home Office data. Having robust home insurance offers peace of mind amid such risks.

Exclusions and Precautions

Despite fire coverage, policyholders should avoid actions that might invalidate claims, such as leaving properties unoccupied for extended periods without appropriate insurance, neglecting smoke and heat detectors, or failing to disclose renovation plans. Smokers must transparently disclose their status, as concealment could impact claims.

Response to a Home Fire

During a home fire, prioritising safety is paramount. Evacuating promptly, avoiding valuables, and following established safety protocols ensure personal safety. Initiating contact with emergency services and promptly notifying insurers facilitates swift assistance and claim processing.

Cost Considerations

The cost of home insurance covering fire incidents varies based on multiple factors, including property type, security measures, contents value, and proximity to risks like water bodies. Factors like smoking status, claims history, property size, and construction materials also influence premiums.

In conclusion, home fire insurance is a critical component of comprehensive home insurance policies, safeguarding against unforeseen fire-related damages. Assessing coverage needs, adhering to safety protocols, and maintaining transparency with insurers ensures effective protection against fire risks.


Do I need to tell my home insurance provider I have a log burner?

This depends on the provider, but if you have a log burner or are getting one installed it’s best to let your insurer know. You should also make sure that you use a HETAS installer who can certify the installation of your log burner. Otherwise, you’ll need to get approval from the building control department of your local council. If the log burner is not installed properly it could invalidate your home insurance, so it’s worth getting this done professionally.

Do I need specialist cover for fires if my property has a thatched roof?

Yes, because thatched roofs are considered to be non-standard and a feature that suggest you live in a listed building, you’ll need specialist cover. This type of home insurance will cover the specific risks associated with thatched roofs and the cost of the professional skills and materials necessary to repair and replace them.

Am I covered if my home catches fire due to arson?

This is a tricky one, because in some situations where arson occurs, you might not be able to make a claim.

Arson is sometimes committed to fraudulently collect insurance money. So providers will want to investigate cases fully before paying out.

If it’s found that the fire was started by the policyholder, their family members or anyone working in their interests it will not be covered. But if it was a crime committed by someone with no links to or interest in the claim, the insurer will usually pay out for fire damage.

How can I prevent fires at home?

Fit smoke alarms – Put them in every room where a fire could start and on each floor of your home. Test them regularly to make sure they work correctly. Many local fire services offer free fire safety visits and fit smoke alarms for householders. Mains-powered alarms should always be fitted by a qualified electrician

Install a heat detector in your kitchen – It will go off if the room reaches a certain temperature but, unlike a smoke alarm, it will not be set off by cooking fumes

Smoke responsibly – If you’re a smoker, smoke outside rather than indoors, and never in bed. Never leave a lit cigarette unattended.

Pay attention when cooking – Do not leave cooking food unattended and do not put anything metal in the microwave.

Use sockets wisely – Avoid overloading electrical sockets and unplug electrical appliances when they’re not in use.

Be careful with candles – Only use candles and tealights in sturdy heat-resistant holders and keep them away from anything that could catch fire, like curtains or papers. Always be sure to extinguish them before you leave the room.

What do insurers classify as a fire?

An incident would be classed as a fire if there were actual physical flames. Something like an iron scorching your clothes or hair straighteners burning your carpet would be classified as accidental damage, rather than fire damage – so if you have this type of cover on your home insurance policy, you could claim under that.

It’s usually possible to add accidental damage cover as an optional extra to your home insurance at an additional cost.