Spring maintenance tips

The nights are getting lighter, the birds are beginning to chirp with the morning sun. We open our windows to let the fresh air in and once again, we can peg washing to the lines for that fresh linen smell. It is often the time we like to give our homes a quick spruce up inside and out a decent once over outside, as we repair any damage from the winter months.

Here are some maintenance tasks to consider with your spring clean:

  • Garden clean up – Rake up those winter leaves. Remove drainage covers and clear out any leaves that are clogging up the drains before hosing down your patio. How is your lawn looking? If it has been damaged through the winter, now is the perfect time to reseed and consider lawn maintenance services.
  • Shrubs and trees – Check and clear any dead branches or and look for unruly roots. Roots can cause long-term problems to your house or your neighbouring properties, so it is important they are not going to cause any subsidence issues.
  • Clean those gutters – Our gutters are there to protect our homes from rainfall so now is the time to clear out any blocked gutters from moss or leaves or repair any damage that may have arisen due to winter storms.
  • Check your chimney – Birds are starting to look for their new locations to build their new nest and can be the perfect spot for some breeds, so check your chimneys to make sure birds haven’t taken a liking to your chimney, blocking the ventilation here.
  • Roof repairs – The roof is our homes protector and an area that faces the brunt of the elements. Adverse weather conditions over a prolonged period of time are the main cause for roof defects. Tiles can crack, become loose, and erode with weather damage and age. Timbers can rot and insulation can get damaged. Try and clear any moss growing on the roof to prevent further structural damage, as moss grows rapidly with the warmth.
  • House exterior – Have a walk around your home. Take a look at the brickwork and the pointing. Has there been any damage here that needs addressing? Look for signs of peeling paint on any render.
  • Wash away the winter grime – It is time to hose down the outside. Wash away any mould or residue that has grown over the winter, whether on the house or on the patio or decking. And while you are there, check for any damage to decking, making sure there are no loose decks or nails.
  • Check your plumbing – It is time to remove any piping insulation and check for any leaks or damage to your pipes.
  • Boiler pressure – As you get excited for cheaper energy bills during the warmer months, keep a regular check the pressure of your boiler as it is used less frequently.
  • House alarms, windows, and doors – With the longer days, more families take to the great outdoors. Now is the time to check your house alarms, window and door locks, or consider a smart doorbell to deter potential burglars.

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