We have recently launched our new platform "Planna". We are particularly excited about our flagship feature "Ask a Pro", where experts like you get paid to give help and advice to the Planna community through 15 minute, real-time video consultations.

Here are just some of the services that you could provide:

  • Providing a virtual service
  • Providing a quote
  • Providing help and guidance
  • Sense checking a quote or invoice
  • Out of hours client support
  • First response/ triage of emergency calls
We've just completed a two month trial of our "Ask an Pro" feature. The feedback from both the Pro's and the householders has been excellent, with some experts earning over £200 in a week and some calls turning into leads and generating larger scale projects.

Monetise your knowledge

Stop giving advice away for free. Whether it's advising an existing client over the phone or helping out that friend of a friend, start to value your time, knowledge and hard won experience to earn additional income.

Make work, work around you

You're in control. Set your availability to work around your day job or even just weekends and evenings.

Refer a friend and get paid £25

Has one of your friends, neighbours or colleagues have the skills to become an Pro with Planna? We'll give you £25 for each expert that you introduce.
Find out more

Getting started

Set up is really straight forward:


Who can join as an Pro?

Anyone, if you think that you could give help and advice to our community then please get involved. Our Pro's come from all backgrounds and all walks of life, ranging from architects and surveyors to hobbyists and enthusiasts.

How much does it cost to join Planna as an Pro?

Nada! We don't charge our experts a sign-up fee or a monthly subscription. Transparency is really important to us, we make money by adding a modest platform fee to each service. Our Platform fee is 10% of the total service charge plus a small payment processing fee. We have included a fee calculator in the app which allows our experts to adjust their rate per call accordingly.

Do I need to have insurance to give advice?

No, however it's important that when you are giving advice that you make it clear that you are providing guidance for information and education purposes only and that what you say is intended to be a general guide for domestic and personal use only and cannot be a substitute for in-person professional advice specific to users’ property and individual circumstances. For more information see our Terms and conditions 

How much should I charge?

It's up to you, if you currently have an hourly rate we suggest charging a third of this for a 15 minute video call. If you don't have an hourly rate, think about how much you would be happy to pay for the type of advice that you offer. You can change and update your rates and availability at any time.

When will I receive payment?

We use Stripe to process payments, when you sign up with us you will be able to add a payout account in our app which will allow you to receive payouts. You will need to fill out some information with Stripe as part of this process. Your first payout could take anywhere up to one week to land into your bank account. Subsequent payments are paid out daily.